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Archive for April 2022





    Assessment is very important in student learning. There are many approaches to assessment in learning with an emphasis on the process of learning along with the product of learning. The ultimate measure of student's competence is performance.


    There are new technologies created to provide students with higher level thinking skills, particularly the aspect of creative and critical thinking, and the opportunity to teach and assess those skills. The use of ICT in assessment is very helpful to teachers because students' information and results of examination can be recorded and stored and can easily be retrieved. With the use of ICT, the teachers can right away give feedback to students on the result of assessment. Feedback from the computer during the use of test material improves student performance in later use of the same test material.

    Assessment is the process of identifying, gathering and interpreting information 


    1. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT - provides feedback and information during the instructional process, while learning is taking place, and while learning is occurring.

    1. SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT - takes place after the learning has been completed and provides information and feedback that sums up the teaching and learning process.



     Audio-visual media is an intermediary media or the use of material and its absorption through sight and hearing so as to build conditions that can make students ableacquire knowledge, skills, or attitudes and Audio visual or auditory view refers to the use of sound components and image components, it takes some equipment to be able to present this. Films and television programs are some examples of this audio visual presentation.



     Benefits of Audio Media

    Here are some uses of audio media in learning.

    1. Teaching literary music and documentation activities.

    2. Teaching foreign languages.

    3. Teaching through radio or educational radio.

    4. Learning packages for various types of material, so as to allow students to practice their interpretive power in a subject.Definition of audio visual mediaAudio-visual media is an intermediary media or the use of material and its absorption through sight and hearing so as to build conditions that can make students able acquire knowledge, skills, or attitudes

    Kind of Audio Media

  • iNTRO



    Hello friends, you must know about technology and of course you must have heard about ICT. Yap ICT is information technology and communication technology. Information technology includes everything related to the process, use as a tool, manipulation, and management of information. so my friends try to explain what is contained in ICT before that let me introduce my friends who are participating in looking for information about ICT. starting with me. my name is Hendra Mulya Wijaya (202032006) and there is a friend of mine also named Anastasya Wilujeng Hayuningsari (202032028) and Nafhatun Nuraniyyah (202032031)



    Visual  media is defined as the ability to learn visually. Media is the plural version of the word "medium," which literally means "intermediate" or "introduction," and refers to an intermediary or introduction between the message's source and the message's recipient. Media is described in education as a part of learning resources or physical transports that contain instructional information (learning) in the context of students and can motivate them to study.

    Visual Learning Media's Advantages

    The following are some of the advantages of visual media:

    1. Media is more tangible and sensible than verbal or nonverbal media, making it easier to use.

    2. Several studies have shown that learning is received through visual media, particularly appealing visual media, which can increase college students' absorption of the instructions presented.

    3. Visual media can transcend the boundaries of the classroom and triumph over the constraints of the students' pleasure in. All items can be presented to college students through the use of appropriate visual media.

    4. Educators can use all kinds of graphics, which makes them more powerful and environmentally friendly than other language media. This allows you to create something unique that is no longer monotonous for  students.

    5. The application is practical. In short, this visual media is easy for anyone to use. For example, consider using a Digital Projection material (out of focus).

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